Job Seekers
If you need help searching for jobs, we are here for you. Book an appointment today to connect with a Consultant one-on-one or check out our job board for recent job postings.
Employment Services
Detailed needs assessment
Skills and interests assessments
Career planning/goal setting
Job search strategies
Occupational/educational information
Labour market research
Career coaching and supports
Training/education guidance
Referral to Community Services and Supports

Resources and Information
Fully equipped resource centre
High speed computers/printers
Client phone
Accessibility work station
Fax machine/photocopier
Job posting board
Area newspapers
Labour market information
Online Job Board

Better Jobs Ontario
Program Overview
Better Jobs Ontario provides financial support to help eligible workers train for a new career. Get skills training and financial support when you qualify for Better Jobs Ontario.Â
If you qualify, you can apply for up to $28,000 to cover costs, including:
Other instructional costs including student fees, supplies and electronic devices
Basic living allowance (up to $500 per week)
Additional funding may be available for:​
Disability-related supports
Living away from home
Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) and/or language training

Who Qualifies?
You qualify for Better Jobs Ontario if you either:​
have been laid off and have not been working or are working a temporary job to cover costs
have not been laid off but have been unemployed for six months or longer and are part of a low-income household
You can still apply if you receive either:
Employment Insurance (EI)
Ontario Works (OW)
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
Laid-off due to COVID-19
While the Better Jobs Ontario program is open to unemployed jobseekers, a fast-track stream is available if you were laid off because of COVID-19 and want to retrain for jobs in sectors that have potential for future employment. ​
If your application meets all the following criteria, you will go through a faster approval process, giving you access to training sooner:
You were laid-off on or after March 1st, 2020.
You have a high school education or less; you were laid-off from an occupation requiring no more than a highschool education and job-specific training such as, food and beverage servers, flight attendants and retail salespersons.
You were laid-off from an industry hit hard by the pandemic, such as hospitality and food services, transportation and warehousing or wholesale and retail trade.
You want to train for a career in demand in a local community or provincial priority area.
To Register
To verify your eligiblity and learn more about the program, please contact an Employment Consultant at our Employment Resource Centre.