Persons with Disabilities
Are you a person with a disability and need help finding a job?
If you are over the age of 16, living in Leeds & Grenville and have a disability (expected to last a year or more) which makes it hard for you to find or keep a job, you could be eligible for Employment Supports through the Ontario Disability Support Program.
Even if you have never worked before, have been out of work for some time, or are in school, CSE is dedicated to helping people with a disability find the right fit employment and provide ongoing support to help you keep your job!
Individualized employment services to meet your needs include:
Pre-Employment Planning
One-on-One Job Search Assistance
Work Placements and Access to Subsidies
Self-Employment Assistance
Work-Related Disability Supports
Job Maintenance Services
Call us today to see if you are eligible for Employment Supports as part of the Ontario Disability Support Program and let CSE Consulting support you on your journey to employment!
For more information contact the CSE Employment Resource Centre closest to you.
Reference Videos
These videos are part of a series launched at the recent Inclusion Makes Cent$ Symposium in Leeds & Greenville.